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Understanding Your NDIS Plan

Posted by: Hurdle Customer Service
Last Updated: March 5, 2024

Your NDIS plan will be based on the discussion you had in your planning meeting. Let’s breakdown what your plan includes:

  • Information about you
    Basic information about your disability, your daily activities, where you live, who you live with and who carers for you. 
  • Family and friends
    Information about the support you get from family and friends that is not funded but will help you work toward your goals. 
  • Your goals
    Information about the goals you’ve set as part of your plan. Each of your supports and services will help you to pursue the goals you have in your NDIS plan. 
  • Funded Supports
    Tells you what funding has been allocated across three support budgets. Within each support budget there are a number of support categories. You may have one or two support categories, or you may have none. This will depend on your individual needs. 

Support Budgets

There are three types of support budgets that may be funded in your NDIS plan:

  1. Core Supports Budget
  2. Capacity Building Supports Budget
  3. Capital Supports Budget
  1. Core Supports Budget

Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals. Your Core Supports budget is the most flexible, and, in most cases, you can use your funding across any of the following four support categories:

In your planDescription
Assistance with daily lifeFor example, assistance with showering, dressing, household cleaning and yard maintenance. 
ConsumablesFor example, continence products, modified cutlery and handrails. 
Assistance with social & community participationFor example, a support worker to help you to participate in social and community activities. 
TransportSupport that helps you travel to work or to other places that will help you pursue the goals in your plan where you are unable to travel by yourself. 
  1. Capacity Building Supports Budget

Capacity Building Supports help build your independence and skills to help you pursue your goals. This budget cannot be moved from one support category to another. Funding can only be used to purchase approved individual supports within that specific capacity building category. They are:

In your planDescription
Support CoordinationThis is a fixed amount for a Support Coordinator to help you use your plan and engage with providers.
Improved living arrangementsSupport to help you find and maintain an appropriate place to live. 
Increased social & community participationDevelopment and training to increase your skills so you can participate in community, social and recreational activities. 
Finding & keeping a jobEmployment related support, training and assessments that help you find and keep a job. 
Improved relationshipsSupports to help you develop positive behaviours and interact with others. 
Improved health & wellbeingSupports with exercise or diet advice to manage the impact of your disability. 
Improved learningSupports including training, advice and help for you to move from school to further education. 
Improved life choicesPlan management to help manage your plan, funding and paying for services. 
Improved daily livingAssessments, training and therapy to help increase your skills, independence and community participation.

For further information on understanding your NDIS plan, contact Paula Oliva on 0466 213 362 or via email

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