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Finding Service Providers

Posted by: Hurdle Customer Service
Last Updated: March 5, 2024

Once you have your NDIS Plan, it’s time to start finding providers that can help support you with your NDIS goals. You have choice and control about what supports and services you need to pursue your goals, where and when they are provided and by whom. Some participants ask family or friends to help them find providers, while others may ask their LAC or NDIA Planner. 

What is a service provider?

A service provider is a person, business or organisation that delivers funded services. Service providers have different areas of experience and expertise so it’s important to work out what you want and find the right providers for you.

Providers that are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission are called ‘NDIS registered providers’ and meet government quality and safety standards. If your NDIS funding is NDIA-managed you can only use NDIS registered providers to deliver your services. Participants whose NDIS funds are self-managed or managed by a Plan Manager can use NDIS registered providers and non-registered providers.

How do you find service providers?

Once you’ve identified the types of services that may help you pursue your goals, it’s time to find out more about the providers in your area and whether they are right for you. You might want to research providers on the internet, check reviews, get advice from friends or family and speak with different providers either face-to-face or over the phone before you agree to work with them.

How do you choose providers to deliver your services?

When considering a service provider, talk to them about your goals and discuss how they can help you work towards them. Here are some questions you may ask: 

  • Are you an NDIS registered provider? 
  • How will you help me pursue my goals? 
  • How much does your service cost? 
  • Can I choose which staff will work with me? 
  • Can you provide the service at a time that suits me? 
  • How can I make a complaint or resolve a payment issue?

Choose a Hurdle Support Coordinator to help you.

If you NDIS funding includes funding for a Support Coordinator, why not check out Hurdle! Paula at Hurdle has over 8 years of experience as a Support Coordinator and has managed over $1 million in funding. Paula works closely with you to understand, implement and utilise your plan effectively. We provide you with regular expenditure reports, help you resolve any issues with service providers or your funding and assist you to plan and prepare for your NDIS plan review. 

Paula can be contacted via email or by phoning 0466 213 362.

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